
Showing posts from September, 2023

3 dicas para se manter ativo durante longos dias de trabalho/escola

 Não é segredo nenhum que o exercício é bom para a saúde geral . Porém, devido à nossa vida agitada e stressante, muitas vezes, esquecemo-nos de movimentar o corpo, o nosso lar. Negligenciar o exercício físico diário tem várias desvantagens, como: Problemas venosos Diabetes Obesidade Depressão, ansiedade e stresse Pressão alta Colesterol alto Maior risco de cancro      De acordo com a Organização Mundial da Saúde, globalmente 1 em cada 4 adultos não se movimenta o suficiente . Ter um estilo de vida sedentário é a entrada para uma série de problemas de saúde, reconheço o quão difícil para algumas pessoas é implementá-lo na sua rotina já sobrecarregada, mas garanto que é possível mexer-se por pelo menos 30 minutos todos os dias. Portanto, hoje a minha missão será não apenas motivá-lo a se exercitar, mas também sugerir a implementação de 3 ferramentas na sua vida diária como forma de prevenir complicações de saúde e aliviar o stresse! Dê um passeio matinal ou noturno      Isso é o que

3 tips to stay active during a busy work/school day

           It is no secret that exercising is good for your overall health. However, due to our busy and stressing lives we often forget to move our body, our main tool. Neglecting daily exercise has multiple downsides such as: Vein related issues Diabetes Obesity  Depression, anxiety and stress High blood pressure High cholesterol Higher cancer risk     Globally, 1 in 4 adults aren't moving enough, according to the World Health Organization. Having a sedentary lifestyle is the gateway for a bunch of health issues, I do recognize how hard for some people it is to implement into their already overfilled routine, but I assure you it is  manageable to move your body for at least 30 mins everyday . So I've made it my mission to not only motivate you to get a workout in but to implement these tools into your daily life as a way to prevent health complications and relieve stress! Go on a morning or evening stroll     This is what most people do, a 1 hour walk or so around the neigh

How to get Clear and Glowing skin

       Clear and dewy skin 101 Everyone dreams about having healthy skin, but are often stuck wandering what to do in order to achieve that glowy and youthful look . What I am going to tell you is not a quick fix... Nothing is quick when it comes to long lasting success and healthy skin and some of the tips I will give might need some time to master. I do want to point out that I have sensitive skin with dry tendencies. Anyways, here are my tricks to keep this skin plump and shiny. Sunscreen     Dermatologists are not kidding when they promote the usage of SPF products. Excessive sun exposure is responsible for premature aging and wrinkles, skin cancer (melanoma or non-melanoma), cataracts and other eye damages. Does that mean that we cant go out in the sun ever again? No. There are ways to prevent the bad effects of UV radiation, such as: Wearing hats  Wearing sunscreen everyday  Reapply SPF (2-3hrs) Avoiding peak sun exposure (10 a.m. - 4 p.m.) Check UV levels  However I do recognize